Tyranny in America

Book covers and author photos

Two Harvard professors have written books that explain how and why the Republican Party has been taken over by far right extremists. They show that the structure of our government under the Constitution not only makes this possible, but the Constitution is designed to facilitate and even encourage extremism. They call on Americans to recognize that the Constitution is not designed for a democratic government.

An African American and Latinx History of the United States

Book cover of "An African American and Latinx History of the United States" and author Paul Ortiz.

This book focuses on the organizing and leadership of African Americans and Latinx in the struggle to become full participants in the economic and political life of America. And Ortiz also tells the other side of the story of the ways white Americans have stood in the way of those aspirations.

What does a vision for the future look like if it is grounded on a commitment to human rights around the world?

You Sound Like a White Girl: The Case for Rejecting Assimilation

Book cover of “You Sound Like a White Girl: The Case for Rejecting Assimilation” and author Julissa Arce.

Julissa Arce, author of “You Sound Like a White Girl: The Case for Rejecting Assimilation” is not waiting for white people to change. She celebrates that “together – Indigenous, African American, Latino, and Asian communities – we are creating change.” That change is to become “We the People of the United States.” She proposes this strategy: “‘In order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice,’ we must actually seek justice. Assimilation, diversity, inclusion – this is not justice. Representation is justice. Equality is justice. Intersection is justice. Freedom is justice.”

June Is a Good Month to Read “On Juneteenth”

Book cover of “On Juneteenth” and photo of author, Annette Gordon-Reed

Annette Gordon-Reed is a history professor at Harvard University who has written a book that every American should read, and it should be required reading in every high school. Her special gift as a historian is to describe the complexity of past events so that they reveal the people who made them. Then, as a social commentator, she shows how Texans and Americans are products of history by sharing stories about her family and herself.

A Black Guy Wrote a Guide to the Constitution

Elie Mystal with the cover of his book,  “Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution”

Elie Mystal has a wonderful way of making things that lawyers talk about regarding the Constitution sound like common sense. As the legal analyst and justice correspondent for “The Nation,” an MSNBC legal commentator, and the legal editor of the “More Perfect” podcast on the Supreme Court for Radiolab, he argues for the American people to take the country away from the conservatives.

My Seven Black Fathers

book cover with photo of Will Jawando
A Memoir by Will Jawando

I met Will Jawando because we both participated in President Obama's White House mentoring program.

For me, a white man, the book opens up a window into the challenges Will faced, challenges that he says are not unique to him. Will says it is important for white people to learn the stories of Black men and "help to shape a new story about who America is." Reading "My Seven Black Fathers" is an excellent way to learn a story of an amazing Black man.