Fixing the Government

Page from the U.S. Constitution showing Articles V, VI, and VII.
How Article V of the Constitution avoids a revolution

The men who wrote the Constitution knew that it is not perfect. So, they provided a way that changes can be made. The process to amend is outlined in Article V. Amending is a political process that is much more difficult than making laws. However, it has provided a path in the past to reorganize structures of the government. Today we have a government based on the idea that white men are superior to others. And we have a tool to fix that. It is Article V of the Constitution.

It’s Time to Amend the Constitution

A commentary in Politico

Sarah Isgur points to the current role of the Supreme Court and the inability of Congress to solve problems. She builds a case for amending Article V of the Constitution. She quotes Justice Scalia who said he "once calculated what percentage of the population could prevent an amendment to the Constitution, and found it was less than 2 percent. ‘It ought to be hard, but not that hard"

Isgur concludes, "He’s right. It’s time to amend the amending process."

States Likely Could Not Control Constitutional Convention

on balanced budget amendment or other issues

This 2017 article summarizes "resolutions that call for a convention to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution to require a balanced federal budget, and possibly to shrink federal authority in other, often unspecified, ways. Proponents of these resolutions claim that 28 of the 34 states required to call a constitutional convention already have passed such resolutions." Recognizing the threat that exists to our democracy is an important first step in committing to the work rewriting the Constitution so it supports a multicultural nation without racism.