Tyranny in America

Two Harvard professors have written books that explain how and why the Republican Party has been taken over by far right extremists. They show that the structure of our government under the Constitution not only makes this possible, but the Constitution is designed to facilitate and even encourage extremism. They call on Americans to recognize that the Constitution is not designed for a democratic government.
Constitution Day - Let’s Build a More Perfect Union
Constitution Day challenges us to continue reshaping our nation’s blueprint for true equality and justice, fighting to eradicate systemic racism.
Constitution Day

Constitution Day commemorates the signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787. This historic document, signed by the Founding Fathers at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, established the framework for the nation's government.
Mary Anne Franks’ Book on the Constitution

“The Cult of the Constitution” is a very provocative discussion of the U.S. Constitution. Franks observes: “We are facing a continuing crisis of constitutional inequality. For more than two hundred years, the lion’s share of legislative, judicial, political, and social resources has been devoted to protecting the constitutional rights of white men above all others ... It is hardly surprising, then, that the picture of who holds power today does not look that different from 1787.” Her critique of the Constitution is convincing.