January 6th Congressional Hearings and Democracy

Committee members seated at a raised desk at front of room; Donald Trump photo on large screen above committee members; press photographers in foreground.
In a democracy Trump would not have been elected president

The January 6th hearings in the House of Representatives exposed attempts by Donald Trump to subvert the Constitutional system used to elect presidents. Neither President Trump and his co-conspirators nor the people who ensured the non-violent transfer of power to President Biden were driven by a commitment to democracy. Trump was unsuccessful because people were loyal to the Constitution.

A commitment to the Constitution as it stands with an equal commitment to changing the Constitution when it is not fulfilling the values of democracy is the path to creating a multi-cultural nation that is not based on racism.

Happening (2021)

male doctor at bedside of young woman in hospital
A film about abortion in France in the past that may describe the future

Happening (2021) is a film about abortion. It is set in 1963 in southwest France. Yet, as Ed McNulty points out, "It could be the future for the women of our country."

What Can I Do About Gun Safety?

 American Tactical OMNI AR15
Responding to mass shootings in May of 2022

The May 2022 random murders of people in Buffalo, New York; Laguna Woods, California; and Uvalde, Texas were stark reminders of the fragility of human life and how precious every child and adult is. My granddaughter went to bed crying. Barack and Michell Obama are angry. I keep asking myself, what can I do? I am still troubled by the question, but I have one idea.

It’s Time to Amend the Constitution

A commentary in Politico

Sarah Isgur points to the current role of the Supreme Court and the inability of Congress to solve problems. She builds a case for amending Article V of the Constitution. She quotes Justice Scalia who said he "once calculated what percentage of the population could prevent an amendment to the Constitution, and found it was less than 2 percent. ‘It ought to be hard, but not that hard"

Isgur concludes, "He’s right. It’s time to amend the amending process."

Critical Race Theory and Publicly Funded Education

Black, Brown, and White participants and speaker at podium outside; sign on podium says "Teach the Truth"; sign held by participant says "Students deserve the truth Youth empowered in the struggle"

Critical race theory (CRT) has created emotional outbursts at school board meetings. President Trump’s executive order banning CRT in government agencies and FOX News rantings all feel like impolite and annoying uninformed racism. But what is at stake is the future of public education and the creation of a multicultural nation without racism. Supporting and promoting CRT is important, not just to ensure a quality American education, but for the future of America.

Mary Anne Franks’ Book on the Constitution

Cover of "The Cult of the Constitution" and Mary Anne Franks
An interesting take on the Constitution

“The Cult of the Constitution” is a very provocative discussion of the U.S. Constitution. Franks observes: “We are facing a continuing crisis of constitutional inequality. For more than two hundred years, the lion’s share of legislative, judicial, political, and social resources has been devoted to protecting the constitutional rights of white men above all others ... It is hardly surprising, then, that the picture of who holds power today does not look that different from 1787.” Her critique of the Constitution is convincing.

States Likely Could Not Control Constitutional Convention

on balanced budget amendment or other issues

This 2017 article summarizes "resolutions that call for a convention to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution to require a balanced federal budget, and possibly to shrink federal authority in other, often unspecified, ways. Proponents of these resolutions claim that 28 of the 34 states required to call a constitutional convention already have passed such resolutions." Recognizing the threat that exists to our democracy is an important first step in committing to the work rewriting the Constitution so it supports a multicultural nation without racism.