
Advocacy in Action Challenge

Celebrate Black History Month.

Visit a Black History museum or attend a Black history program.

Write letters to your elected representatives urging them to address racial disparities and promote inclusive policies.

When Anti-Racists Celebrate George Washington’s Birthday

Engraving and stipple etching of George and Martha Washington seated at a table looking at a map, with grandchildren standing near by, and black servant standing behind Martha.

George Washington was not an anti-racist in the way we use the term today. He wasn’t even close. Washington believed, with the other founders of the United States of America, that white British men had a right and a responsibility to manage the society. So, how can Americans in the 21st century, who dream of America becoming a nation without racism, celebrate the life of George Washington on his birthday?

Washington’s Birthday (Presidents’ Day)

Color painting of George Washington (head and shoulders).
Photo of Abraham Lincoln (head and shoulders).

Presidents’ Day, also known as Washington's Birthday, has its origins in the celebration of George Washington's birthday. As a cultural observance, it carries implications that can contribute to the wider challenge of ending racism and inequality in the United States.