This section of the website contains essays, book reviews, and links to material that discusses the ‘science’ of racism as it relates specifically to structures of American society.

The pages encourage discussion that is helpful in understanding how structures like the laws, regulations, court decisions, and the Constitution support and preserve American racism.

Critical Race Theory and Publicly Funded Education

Black, Brown, and White participants and speaker at podium outside; sign on podium says "Teach the Truth"; sign held by participant says "Students deserve the truth Youth empowered in the struggle"

Critical race theory (CRT) has created emotional outbursts at school board meetings. President Trump’s executive order banning CRT in government agencies and FOX News rantings all feel like impolite and annoying uninformed racism. But what is at stake is the future of public education and the creation of a multicultural nation without racism. Supporting and promoting CRT is important, not just to ensure a quality American education, but for the future of America.

What Can I Do About Racism?

Ken Bedell holding a sign that says "Black Lives Matter"

What can I do to work toward ending racism in America? I find it helpful to start with the two categories of racial expressions. Racism is embedded in two interacting and interconnected places: the minds of people, like me, and the structures of society.