Letters of Support for Arlington House Redesignation

How Can I Reach My Elected Officials?

Find your congressional senators and representatives through congress.gov(link is external). You can look up your elected officials by address or zip code. Each senator and representative has contact information listed. You can write, email, or call their offices directly. You can also sign the petition that our small team of in-person visit representatives will carry with them to the hill.

Letter Template

Write a letter of support in your own words entirely, or use the template below to kick-start your letter. Every signature, paper letter, email, and phone call count!

Insert your legislator’s title and name here, I am a constituent residing in insert your town or city here. I am writing to ask you to support the legislation (USE ONE -- H.J. Res 76 OR S.J. Res 35) introduced by (USE ONE -- Congressman Don Beyer (VA-8) OR Senator Tom Kaine (VA)) to redesignate the National Park Service site known as the “Arlington House, the Robert E. Lee Memorial” to the “Arlington House National Historic Site.” The decisions made by Lee at Arlington House and after the Civil War are important to interpret. That history cannot and should not be excluded. However, the history at Arlington House and the space around the historic site is much broader than Lee. It includes the lives and narratives of dozens of people who were enslaved by Lee and his wife that also should be interpreted. Doing so will share all of the history and be attractive to all visitors. Congress established the current name of the “Arlington House, the Robert E. Lee Memorial” and only Congress can redesignate it. Insert your legislator’s title and name here, I encourage you to sign on to this bill as a cosponsor, take up this matter with your fellow legislators and pass the resolution to redesignate Arlington House as a National Historic Site.