We Will Not Be Silent

Bold text says "We Will Not Be Silent" and two speech bubbles say "Yes to community!" and "No to hate speech!" over background image of marchers at the 1963 March on Washington carrying signs for jobs and freedom.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered the "I Have a Dream" speech on August 28, 1963 calling for equality and justice for all.

Ending Racism USA held a virtual town hall on August 28, 2023, the 60th anniversary of King's speech, discussing the use of social media as a tool for continuing the dream.

Twitter Town Hall

Twitter Town Hall: Aug. 28, 8 p.m. ET with colorful speech bubbles asking questions about Twitter: Are you staying or going? Can we build community? Who profits? Is staying supporting hate speech?
Yes to social media, no to Twitter

Ending Racism USA announced our decision to quit Twitter, now called X, as an act to resist its inappropriate use of social media which includes allowing and profiting from hate speech and using our data for free.

Our Twitter Town Hall discussed why it is important to heighten our awareness of the benefits and the challenges that may arise as society increases its use of various social media platforms.

Videos and resources are shared on this page.


Mon, Aug 28, 2023, 8:00-9:00pm EDT

Twitter Supports an Unhealthy Social Environment

Bar chart showing increase of hate speech on Twitter since Musk's takeover

Ending Racism USA has stopped using Twitter. We decided that the prevalence of hate speech, the promotion of racism and other prejudices, and a business model that manipulates user experience to maximize profits makes Twitter antithetical to an organization that is working to end racism.

Social Media and Oppression

Four photos showing history of communication technology: hand-lettered scroll, letterpress metal type, stack of books, mobile phone with social media icons

Paulo Freire, Tom Boomershine and Marshall McLuhan all explore the connection between communication technology and the structures of society.

Ken Bedell reviews this history, applies it to social media, and asks: "How can a new technology open possibilities for expressing multicultural values and developing a nation without racism?"